Selling Your Home Strategies Investor and Wealth Building Video Series Let Us Show You How In This Video You Will Learn *A system used by a veteran Real Estate Broker *Methods for improving your home’s sale *The five factors in selling your home *Issues which may arise from a home inspection *Common red flags during a home sales *What buyers may be concerned about *Home Inspection preparedness *Items that could affect the house’s value *Environmental concerns to be aware of *Tips and Strategies That Could Save Thousands of Dollars in the Sale of Your Home! Your Host: Learn invaluable listing techniques used to help you sell you home. Charles Kraus a veteran Real Estate Agent and Broker shares his knowledge and experience with you in this video. Charles will discuss basic selling strategies used by individual looking to take a proactive look at selling their home. Mr. Kraus a has over 14 years of extensive experience and credentials in the industry including manager as well as several achievement awards for sales. This is an ideal how to video for the FSBO, for sale by owner, the investor or Realtor looking for industry proven property mehtods to help with sale of your house. Video 35 minutes All rights reserved (r)