S:1 E:7
Hard-hitting drama surrounding the FBI’s counter-terrorism operations. Darwyn tries to steer a young boy away from life as a terrorist, without blowing his own cover., Farik attends a meeting with regional cell leaders in Las Vegas, where they finalise plans for a possible date for the full-fledged terrorist attack. Elsewhere, a young Afghan boy visits the warehouse, hoping to become a jihadist; and a meeting with Bobby Habib’s cousin leads Gayle to suspect that Darwyn may be a terrorist., Farik attends a meeting with regional cell leaders in Las Vegas, where they finalize plans for a possible date for the full-fledged terrorist attack. Elsewhere, a young Afghan boy visits the warehouse, hoping to become a jihadist; and a meeting with Bobby Habib’s cousin leads Gayle to suspect that Darwyn may be a terrorist., Farik (Oded Fehr) travels to Las Vegas and meets with the leaders of the New York and Washington sleeper cells to strategize, and leaves the crew with explicit instructions for their next move. Darwyn (Michael Ealy) finally breaks it off with Gayle (Melissa Sagemiller), telling her that it’s because she lied about her husband. An Afghan teen, Khashul (Luis Chávez) shows up at the warehouse to train with Ken, who is dead, of course. Uncertain as to what to do with the boy, the crew allows Darwyn to look after him until Farik returns. Darwyn eventually learns that Khashul was taken from his home and wrongfully imprisoned in Guantanamo Bay for three years, where, he says, “Mostly I learn to hate Americans.” Darwyn tries to show the boy a different view of Islam, and his lessons seem to be sinking in. Darwyn contacts an ex-girlfriend at the State Department, trying to arrange for Khashul to go back to his homeland. But the others find out that Khashul has been at Gitmo, and Farik, concerned that the boy might be on a Homeland Security watch list, orders him killed. Still reeling from the breakup, Gayle gets a visit from Bobby Habib’s cousin, Abbas (Amro Salama), who questions her about Bobby’s whereabouts. Concerned that he might have been taken away by the authorities, he asks Gayle if Bobby had any contact with extremists or potential terrorists, and that gets Gayle to thinking.