V Welcome to the War

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Welcome to the War

Erica’s life is put at risk when she is attacked at home, a dangerous new member is recruited for the Resistance and the Visitors steady their defences, and Ryan’s concern grows over Val’s abnormal pregnancy., Val’s pregnancy concerns Ryan; the Resistance inducts a dangerous new member; Anna is puzzled by Chad, who hasn’t scheduled a follow-up for his diagnosis; Erica gets attacked at home., Remake of the classic 80s series about a race of technologically advanced alien visitors, or Vs, who claim to come in peace, but are actually a secret invasion force. Erica gets the best of a V assassin who breaks into her home but worries about her missing son. Father Jack’s stab wound is treated at a V Healing Centre., Val’s pregnancy concerns Ryan; the Resistance inducts a dangerous new member; Anna is puzzled by Chad, who hasn’t scheduled a follow-up for his diagnosis; Erica gets attacked at home. Agent Sarita Malik: Rekha Sharma. Dr. Leah Pearlman: Lexa Doig.

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