Taut and riveting thriller starring Alysson Paradis as Sarah, a pregnant photographer who is resting at home alone on the night before she’s scheduled to deliver. But a psychopath (Beatrice Dalle) breaks into her house, terrorizes Sarah and threatens her unborn child. Despite frantic efforts to save the mother-to-be, the psycho stays one step ahead of her pursuers. Directed by Julien Maury and Alexandre Bustillo, who wrote the script., On the eve of going to hospital to induce labour, recently widowed Sarah is confronted by a mysterious woman knocking on her door. Immediately suspicious, Sarah refuses to let her in and instead she calls the police while the woman is lurking outside. When they show up however, the woman is gone.. Sarah then locks herself away in her house, unaware that the woman is now inside., A pregnant widow awaiting her ride to the hospital must fight for her life against a mysterious woman who comes knocking on her door in directors Alexandre Bustillo and Julien Maury’s daring tale of caesarian terror. It’s been four months since Sarah (Alysson Paradis) was involved in the tragic car accident that claimed the life of her husband, yet somehow the couple’s unborn child miraculously survived the jarring ordeal. Now it’s Christmas Eve and Sarah is sitting alone in her suburban home, still grieving the loss of her beloved. Soon, Sarah’s mother will arrive to drive her daughter to the hospital, where the doctors plan to induce labor. Out of nowhere, Sarah hears a knock at the door; on the other side is a stranger (Beatrice Dalle) who calmly asks to use Sarah’s telephone. Immediately suspicious of the stranger’s motivations, Sarah locks the door and quickly calls the police. Upon searching the grounds, the policemen find no trace of an intruder and Sarah cautiously bolts her doors once again. But unbeknownst to the expectant mother, this time she has unwillingly locked herself into a violent struggle for the one thing that matters most to her. Now, as the scissor-wielding psychopath attempts to forcefully claim the new life within Sarah, the jealous maternal battle is about to get bloody.