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Romantic comedy about an ambitious advertising executive who is determined to win an account from her rival – not knowing that he has fabricated a non-existent product. Along with ‘Pillow Talk,’ widely considered to be the best of the films made by its two principals, Rock Hudson and Doris Day., Playboy adman Rock Hudson invents a new product, but rival Doris Day is suspicious of his claims., While Rock Hudson and Doris Day are best known for Pillow Talk, this Oscar-nominated romantic comedy is just as much fun. He plays Jerry Webster, a Madison Avenue ad exec who uses wining, dining and gorgeous girls to win his clients. She plays rival Carol Templeton who catches him out when fake ads he used to charm chorus girl Rebel Davis (Edie Adams) are accidentally aired. He has just enough time to try and come up with a genuine product for the fake ads while she starts pitching for the account. Unfortunately, the genuine product he comes up with is alcohol-based and the pair end up in a compromising position… Delbert Mann’s enjoyably frothy take on the 50s ad world also contains enough sideswipes at it to have its cake and eat it., Romantic comedy about an ambitious advertising executive who is determined to win an account from her rival – not knowing that he has fabricated a non-existent product. Along with ‘Pillow Talk’, widely considered to be the best of the films made by its two principals., Romantic comedy about an ambitious advertising executive who is determined to win an account from her rival – not knowing that he has fabricated a non-existent product., One of those hilarious double-act movies of the early 1960s, this Rock Hudson and Doris Day vehicle has such an overwhelming ‘feelgood’ factor that it’s sometimes hard to concentrate on the slim plot which is going on beneath the homely banter of the two leads., In this battle-of-the-sexes romp, rival Madison Avenue ad executives stop at nothing to snare clients from each other. Paul Henning and Stanley Shapiro’s script was nominated for Best Original Screenplay., This entry in a series of screwball comedies starring Rock Hudson and Doris Day pits the stars as rival advertising agents on Madison Avenue, battling to land the account for a product which does not actually exist., Doris Day and Rock Hudson as advertising rivals who stop at nothing to steal clients from each other., While Rock Hudson and Doris Day are best known for Pillow Talk, this Oscar-nominated romantic comedy is just as much fun. He plays Jerry Webster, a Madison Avenue ad exec who uses wining, dining and gorgeous girls to win his clients. She plays his rival Carol Templeton, who catches him out when fake ads he used to charm chorus girl Rebel Davis are accidentally aired. He has just enough time to try and come up with a genuine product for the fake ads while she starts pitching for the account. Unfortunately, the genuine product he comes up with is alcohol-based and the pair end up in a compromising position… Delbert Mann’s enjoyably frothy take on the 50s ad world also contains enough sideswipes at it to have its cake and eat it., A series of misunderstandings leaves an advertising executive with a campaign for a product which has not been invented yet while he romances his rival in the guise of its inventor.

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