When we think about ‘Teenage’, certain things comes to our mind. Collage, assignment, exams, canteen, corridors, Friends and above all our Crushes.
Director Kelly Fremon Craig have come up with a teenage comedy drama which gives vibes of teenage life. Its a sneak peek in hilarious life of a teenage.
The Edge of Seventeen is story of a girl Nadine. She don’t have warm relationship with her mother and brother. She have a bestest of best friend Krista. Krista is source of happiness and comfort in Nadine’s Life.
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But what will happen when one day Nadine finds out that Krista is having relationship with her brother.
To find out one must watch ‘The Edge of Seventeen’ on Netflix.
Starring Hailee Steinfeld, Haley Lu Richardson, Blake Jenner, Woddy Hareelson, Kyra Sedgwick.
The Edge of Seventeen have gained 94% Rotten Tamatoes along with 7.3/10 IMDb rating.
Its a movie where you will find all the specie which will flavor up your mood.