The series tells the true life incidents of infamous Veerappan by using video footage which were shot by Nakkeeran Gopal and archived done by Nakkheeran. The series contains the unseen real life footage of the Veerapan.
Veerapan was an Indian smuggler, bandit and terrorist. He was active for 36 years. He used to kidnap politicians to get the huge ransom. Veerapan was also charged for the smuggling of the percious sandalwood and poaching of Elephantans. His criminal activities were active in the forests of Tamilnadu, Karnataka and Kerala.
Veerapan was the most wanted criminal of India. He had killed approximately 184 people. Most of them were policemen and forest officers. He was also wanted for poaching approximately 2000 Elephants. Also for the smuggling of ivory worth US$2.6 million and sandalwood worth approximately US$ 22 million. The mission to capture Veerapan cost over INR 100 crore to the government of Tamilnadu and Karnataka.
Various clips and interviews of Veerappan will be featured in the series. Nakkeeran Gopal a journalist & MD of Nakkheeran Publications who captured all the footage will also be seen in the series. Alongwith them, Interviews from Pa Pa Mohan (Advocate), DGP Retd. Alexander IPS, N. Ram (former editor of The Hindu), Seeman (leader NTK party), Jeeva Thangavel (Journalist) and Rohini (social worker) are added to the series.
The docuseries is created by Jeyachandra Hashmi, Prabbhavathi and Vasanth Balakrishnan. The docuseries is written by Jeyachandra Hashmi, Sharath Jothi, Vasanth Balakrishnan. The docuseries is directed by Sharath Jothi. Snd it is produced by Prabhavathi RV.
The docuseries is set to premiere on 14 December 2023 on Zee5. The series have total six episodes. The docuseries is available in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu and Kannada.