Ambajipeta Marriage Band is set in a quaint village of Ambajipeta in the East Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh. The movie follows the story of twins, Malli and Padma. The twins are raised by a salon owner named Kanaka.
Malli turns out to be a skilled barber in a marriage band. And Padma lead a profession of a teacher. Their life is going on a smooth note while the twins shares a bitter-sweet relationship of siblings.
Tension arise when Padma faces rumours of an alleged relationship with a businessman named Venkata Babu. The story of the movie takes unexpected turns when the consequences of societal judgements comes out.
Actors Suhas, Shivani Nagaram, Sharanya Pradeep, and Goparaju Ramana in the lead roles with various other actors in supporting roles.
The movie is written and directed by debutant Dushyanth Katikaneni. Ambajipeta Marriage Band is produced by Dheeraj Mogilineni and Venkat Reddy under Dheeraj Mogilineni Entertainment.
And it is presented by Bunny Vas and Venkatesh Maha, under GA2 Pictures and Mahayana Motion Pictures.
Ambajipeta Marriage Band is releasing for online streaming on March 1, 2024 on aha.