
Maboroshi: Upcoming OTT Release Japanese Animated Fantasy Based Movie

Plot of the movie Maboroshi The story of revolves around a young boy named Masamune. He is a third year middle school student. Masamune lives in...

Rising Impact: Upcoming OTT Release Japanese Sports Based Animated Series

About the Animated Series Rising Impact The animated series is based on a famous Japanese manga named Rising Impact. The story of the manga series is written...

The Legend of Hanuman season 3: Upcoming OTT Release Indian Animated Series

About the series The Legend of Hanuman The Legend of Hanuman is the most popular Indian animated series. The previously released two season has won...

Solo Leveling: Latest OTT release South Korean animation series streaming online

Plot of animated series Solo Leveling The series is set in the imaginary world where everything is based on supernatural power and abilities.The story revolves around...

Ishura: Upcoming Animated Japanese Television Series Showing Epic Battle Between Demigods

Plot of Ishura The story of the Ishura begins when the world witnessed the demise of the Demon King. He left behind a legacy for...

Dragon of Wonderhatch: Latest OTT release Japanese series with the double dose of Animation and Live action 

The latest released series is a hybird series which will show a marvelous combination of live action and anime. The live action segments of...


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