The series follows the story of a kind veterinarian named Bong Ye-boon and a grumpy detective named Jang-yeol.
Bong Ye-boon has the psychic ability to see the past of any person or animal just by touching them. She meets Jang Yeol and helps him solve minor criminal cases. While solving these cases, they both fall in love.
They face unexpected circumstances when trying to solve a case that turns out to be a disaster in their lives.
Actors Han Ji-min, Lee Min-ki, and Suho are playing key roles, along with various supporting actors.
The series is directed by Kim Seok-yoon and Choi Bo-yoon and the story of the series is written by Lee Nam-gyu, Oh Bo-hyeon, and Kim Da-hee.
The series was released on August 12, 2023. And streaming on Netflix.
Genre: comedy, romance, thriller