Genre: Action, Drama
Born to fly movie shows the backdrop of the modernization of the Airforce of yhe People’s Liberation Army. The movie tells the story of a special organization team. The team is headed by the Ace pilots named Lei Yu and Deng Fang. They are being ordered to complete a dangerous flight mission.
Lei Yu and Dang Fang take the challenging mission bravely. The start the mission with their excellent knowledge of flying skills. Both the pilot don’t fear of death. They shows the courage in the panic situation which arise during the mission.
The movie show all the difficulties they faced during their ordered task. And also their excellent leadership through which they accomplish the mission.
The chinese actors Wang Yibi, Hu Jun, Yu Shi and Zhou Dongyu are playing key roles with various other actors in supporting roles.
Actor Wang Yibo is the multi talented star of the china. He is works in film industry as well as he is a professional road motorcycle racer. He also have a passion for music. He is known for playing lead roles in movies Hidden Blade and One and Only. In the movie Born to Fly, Wang Yibo is playing the lead role.
Actor Hu Jun is also playing the lead role of the movie. Hu Jun has performed various roles in Hongkong movies. He is popular for playing the lead roles in the movie series The Battle of Lake Chngjin.
Actress Zhou Dongyu is making a specail paper in the movie. She has won many awards in her acting career for various performances. She is popular for her performance in the movie Better Days.
The story of the movie is written by Gui Gan. And the direction and cinematography of the movie is done by Liu Xiaoshi.
The production of the movie is done by Han Han. He is the best selling author of China. Han Han is popular for being the best blogger. He is known for a recently released chinese movie Only Fools Rush In.
The movie was previously released in China on April 28, 2023. And generated $121 million worldwide. The movie is set to release for online streaming on Prime Video. The movie is released in Mandarin, Hindi, Tamil and Telugu. The duration of movie is 127 minutes.