The Story of Builders web series revolves around a gym manager named Mandar. He is muscular but innocent and shy by nature. Mandar faces a make-or-break challenge. He must secure five new involvements within a month to avoid losing his job permanently. To help him with this intimidating task, Parul, Vishakha, Kaameshwar, and his uncle, respectively, bring their own unique and eccentric characters into the mix.
Actors Ankit Motghare, Swapnil Kokam, Anusha Mishra, Vidushi Kaul, and Avtar Gill are playing various characters in the series.
The web is directed by Lalitam Anand and produced by Anandeshwar Dwivedi. The story of the comedy series is written by Anandeshwar Dwivedi, Prashant Kumar and Vikas Sharma.
The series is releasing on Amazon MiniTV on September 22, 2023.
Genre: comedy, drama