BALLET II is a beginner/intermediate ballet class.Its purpose is to give those who have had previous ballet training an opportunity to move to the next level. There are intricate and detailed movements that are slightly more advanced. It also serves to give a beginner/intermediate movement vocabulary for worship dance. The church production set is designed so you may easily implement the movements in the privacy of your own home or church. The French words are subtitled on the screen as Lynn talks about them. Chapters are divided so you may watch the instructions and corrections or get a great dance work out by clicking through only the exercises! It is great for improving posture, poise, grace, flexibility, & strength. This includes:A complete beginner/intermediate ballet barreSome center floor work, including pirouettes, allegro, etc. Some across the floor work, including grand allegro, pique turns, and more.ReverenceBonus Clip – There is a beautiful choreographed dance included at the end. It is taught step by step, so you may easily reproduce it. Be sure to add this beginner/intermediate resource to your collection!Total Running Time: 1 hour 45 minutes