The year is 3037. Aliens with remarkable mental abilities are determined to wipe out all mankind. In retaliation, a military strike team is sent to the Mendax homeworld. Their mission: To deliver the Devorga Strain, a powerful virus engineered to attack the Mendax immune system and exterminate them from their native planet. Humans need this victory or mankind will face extinction. Captain Dolen is terribly injured when the team crashes onto the Mendax homeworld. Now they must rely on the inexperienced Lieutenant to lead them. But can he rise to the task? And when the secret of Homeworld is discovered, they must find the truth within themselves or all is lost. But how can you learn the truth when everything you see and feel may be an illusion?
Year Released:
EnglishStreaming Date :
2009-11-09Mins :
88Trending / Upcoming
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