“Pure Nude Yoga – Worship the Sun” artfully explores the ancient practice of yoga without the barriers and restrictions of any form of clothing. Pure Nude Yoga features 20 year old blonde yoga goddess Channel gracefully moving through a series of nude poses on a tranquil beach, against the pristine backdrop of a brilliant sun and gentle surf. Yogini Channel is a natural, and has been practicing a number of yoga disciplines for several years, including Hatha, Bikram, Ashtanga, Kundalini, and Tantric yoga. In “Pure Nude Yoga – Worship the Sun” she skillfully merges these forms into a natural flow of classic limbering positions; starting from basic and progressing to more advanced asanas. “Pure Nude Yoga is perfect for anyone interested in deepening their understanding of the potential of nude yoga to nurture and enhance a naturist balance of health, body and spirit.Shot in high definition, “Pure Nude Yoga – Worship the Sun” includes one hour of nude yoga, accompanied by a calming meditational soundtrack and sounds of quiet surf. A separate nature sounds track without music is included (simply select the audio button on the video remote control.) Pure Nude Yoga is easy to follow along, or use it simply to relax and meditate on beautiful natural forms.Performing yoga nude enables one to feel free, open and unrestrained in movements and meditations, and to experience pristine natural surroundings without barriers or restrictions. In its purest form, Nude Yoga is meant to unite the body, mind, and spirit. Some of the poses in “Pure Nude Yoga – Worship the Sun” include Sun Salutations, Warrior, Lotus, Plank, Dancer, Camel, Hero, Cobra, Eagle, and many more. Stripped down to the bare elements, this is a contemporary variation on traditional Eastern Yoga discipline in providing inner peace, strength, flexibility, and stimulate and enhance a healthy awareness of one’s body.