The story of the movie revolves around three friends. They live in a rural village on the border of Kerala and Karnataka. They travel to the city area and discover all about the new technology used there.
They are very curious about the latest technology and want to tell all the villager about the latest technology and the development that the country has made.
They bring the latest gadgets to their village, and the movie shows the reaction of the villagers towards these things.
The movie is written and directed by Ulsav Rajeev and Fahad Nandu. The production of the movie is done by Akhil Murali and Ashik Murali.
Actors Rishikesh, Amrith k Shanth, Vyshnav, Ashik Murali, Suresh EG Abhina, Prajitha, Anjita, Subha Kanhangad, Indira, Srijanya, Suresh Babu, Justin Kannur, Krishnan Nedumangad, Nishan, MC Mohanan, Harish Nileswaram, Mani Babu, Rajendran, Nivin, SR Khan, Prabhu Raj, Johnson Kasaragod, and others are playing various characters in the movie.
The movie released on September 15, 2023, and currently streaming on Prime Video.
Genre: Drama