Movies & TvShows By :

Adam Rodriguez

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“CSI: Miami” Terreno di caccia 916

916 Episode : Terreno di caccia Hunting Ground La squadra scopre che qualcuno sta organizzando una spietata caccia ad alcuni clandestini arrivati da Cuba e da...

“CSI: Miami” In pericolo 1017

1017 Episode : In pericolo At Risk Il custode di un prestigioso club di tennis viene trovato ucciso. Le indagini della squadra conducono gli agenti ad...

“Criminal Minds” Ultimo respiro 1315

1315 Episode : Ultimo respiro Last Gasp La BAU indaga su un Soggetto Ignoto colpevole di fotografare giovani donne e poi rapirle, lontano dallo sguardo vigile...

“Criminal Minds” Last Gasp 1316

1316 Last Gasp Away from the watchful eye of the FBI's assistant director of national security, Linda Barnes, the BAU meets in secret to investigate...

“Scorpion” Dam Breakthrough 212

212 Dam Breakthrough On Christmas Eve, the team must stop a dam from breaking and wiping out an entire town after torrential rain puts a...

“CSI: Miami” Hunting Ground 916

916 Hunting Ground Forensic detective series continues. In this episode, the team venture deep into the Everglades where a sick game has hunters tracking human...

“CSI: Miami” At Risk 1017

1017 At Risk Following an attempt on the life of a popular tennis coach, Calleigh is perturbed to discover she has a personal connection to...

Esprits criminels S:13 E:16 | Dernier Soupir

S:13 E:16 Last Gasp Loin de l'œil vigilant du directeur adjoint de la sécurité nationale du FBI, Linda Barnes, le BAU, se réunit en secret...

Les Experts : Miami S:9 E:16 | Parties de chasse

S:9 E:16 Hunting Ground Un immigrant illégal est découvert mort, son corps transpercé de flèches. L'enquête conduit les policiers vers un club de chasse aux...

Scorpion S:2 E:12 | La faille

S:2 E:12 Dam Breakthrough Les éléments se sont déchaînés à la veille de Noël. Si l'équipe Scorpion ne parvient pas à trouver comment empêcher un...