Movies & TvShows By :

Adam White

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“I meccanismi della natura” La prateria 12

12 Episode : La prateria The Secret of the Savannah Le praterie del Nord America, la savana Africana, le steppe dell'Asia, hanno in comune distese superficie...

“I meccanismi della natura” La vita nella giungla

The Emerald Band La giungla è un habitat unico contraddistinto dall'immensa ricchezza della flora e della fauna. Il motivo di tanta abbondanza dipende soprattutto...

“Wild Brazil” Facing the Flood 12

12 Facing the Flood This intimate journey to the heart of a spectacular country continues, following the animal families as they face the formidable monsoon...

“Wild Brazil”

Three-part nature documentary. Three charismatic animal families, capuchin monkeys, giant otters and coatis, strive to raise their families against a backdrop of extraordinary...

“Wild Brazil” Enduring the Drought 13

13 Enduring the Drought Capuchin monkeys; giant otters; coatis; and jaguars prove their extreme survival skills while looking for mates and racing to breed., Fierce...

“The Restorers”

Documenting the restoration of vintage war planes. Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "The Restorers " ? A: The...

Wild Brazil A Dangerous World

A Dangerous World Three animal families face the seasonal extremes and fierce predators of the Brazilian wilderness., An amazing trip to South America...

Wild Brazil S:1 E:1 | A Dangerous World

S:1 E:1 A Dangerous World Three animal families face the seasonal extremes and fierce predators of the Brazilian wilderness., An amazing trip to South America...

Brasil salvaje La Guarida del Yaguareté

El yaguareté pasa de pastizal a pantano con la llegada de la época de lluvias, y luego de pantano a pastizal, todos...