The past comes alive for three National Guardsmen at the site of Custer's last stand. Conners: Ron Foster. Langsford: Warren Oates. McCluskey: Randy...
This drama focuses on an expert (Peter Lind Hayes), who designs eyeglasses that let him see two-dimensional creatures. Elizabeth: Joan Freeman. Bernard: Parley...
When contact is established between Earth and the planet Chroma, located ten light years away, an exchange is proposed between inhabitants of the...
A swimming-pool accident and a vicious argument between two "love" cultists. Malloy: Martin Milner. Janney: Charles Dierkop. Reed: Kent McCord. Crane: Dennis G....
A strange silvery rain---and what it means---puzzles scientists in space. Warren Oates. Julie: Betsy Jones-Moreland. Dr. Marshall: Larry Pennell., In Volume 25 of...
Turn Back the Clock
The Seaview rescues a survivor (Nick Adams) from an Antarctic expedition who seems to be suffering tropical exposure, and claims...