A clash of mechanical titans becomes inevitable when a terrorist group hijacks one of two "mega-robots.", A clash of mechanical titans becomes inevitable...
This made-for-video adventure is aimed squarely at younger audiences. The energetic quintet of pygmy dinosaurs that formed the basis of Prehysteria, returns, this...
The strong-willed wife (Ronee Blakley) of a rancher crosses paths with Pancho Villa (Freddy Fender). Pat: Dean Stockwell. Lester: Scott Glenn., Based on...
A sorcerer (Jeffrey Combs) tries to protect humanity from an evil force. Yvette Nipar, Brian Thompson, Jay Acovone. Directed by Charles Band., Doctor...
This pedantic sequel to Empire Pictures' less-than-original Ghoulies was released directly to video and summarily slipped into oblivion. At the outset of this...