Episode : 1943: l'alleanza USA - Mafia
The Sicilian Connection
Dopo l'attacco a Pearl Harbor, gli Stati Uniti sono minacciati dai sottomarini tedeschi. Un episodio...
The Blackout Killers
In Nazi Germany and Britain, the blackouts were a necessity for defending lives and property from enemy bombing. They also proved...
The Sicilian Connection
Incensed by their treatment under Mussolini's regime and anxious to re-establish their European criminal network, a number of mafioso, including...
S:1 E:6
The Sicilian Connection
Incensed by their treatment under Mussolini's regime and anxious to re-establish their European criminal network, a number of mafioso, including...
Brittisarjassa selvitetään tieteellisiä syitä pahamaineisessa Bermudan kolmiossa tapahtuneille mystisille onnettomuuksille. Yhdysvaltain merivoimien alus USS Cyclops katosi Bermudan kolmiossa jäljettömiin vuonna 1918...
S:1 E 6
The Sicilian Connection
Lorsque Mussolini est arrivé au pouvoir en 1922, l'un de ses premiers objectifs était de détruire la mafia sicilienne,...
Season 1 Episode 5
Episode : Londra e Berlino: assassini nel buio
The Blackout Killers
Durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale due serial killer, a Londra e...