Negative Reaction
Un ricco e famoso fotografo, Paul Galesko, si avvale della collaborazione di un ex detenuto per sbarazzarsi della sua dispotica moglie. Galesko,...
Mind Over Mayhem
Il protagonista della fortunata serie televisiva è il Tenente Colombo, abile e acuto investigatore che con finti atteggiamenti maldestri e un...
The agents infiltrate a bank in East Berlin that preys on wealthy, would-be refugees., Promising to smuggle wealthy Eastern Europeans across the Iron...
The Bat Cave Affair
First telecast on April 1, 1966, "The Bat Cave Affair" features Martin Landau as Transylvanian villain Count Zark, whose quasi-vampiric...
The Yukon Affair
George Sanders returns as villainous British aristocrat G. Emory Partridge, who is still determined to wreak vengeance against his old adversary...
Computer Killer
A computer expert programs the machines to produce phony evidence in a trial. Aarons: Jeff David. McGarrett: Jack Lord. Tilles: Robert F....
Car Wars
Amanda borrows a classic car from a Government lot and becomes the target of drug smugglers. Kate Jackson, Bruce Boxleitner. Mario: Luke...
Town Party, Country Party
A twisted ankle gives Laura insight into the plight of a disabled schoolmate (Kim Richards). Laura: Melissa Gilbert. Nordstrom: Jan...
Like the first-season Mission: Impossible episode "The Ransom," the second-season installment "The Condemned" is an unusual departure from the series' format. Racing against...