Movies & TvShows By :

Amalie Næsby Fick

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“The Incredible Story of the Giant Pear”

When Mitcho and Sebastian find a message from the missing mayor of Solby, they set off on a journey to locate and recover...

La increíble historia de la pera gigante

2017 Cartoon,Family,Action/Adventure,Fantasy,Animated,Adaptation,Other

Den utrolige historie om den kæmpestore pære (Danish)

Elefanten Sebastian og katten Mitcho skal hjælpe beboerne i Solby med at finde deres borgmester, J.B., der er forsvundet. En dag modtager...

Sebastian e l’isola misteriosa

Sebastian e Mitcho, due amici inseparabili, vivono nella bellissima città di Solaria, in cui scompare improvvisamente il sindaco, loro caro amico. I...