Movies & TvShows By :

Anthony Russo

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“Tu, io e Dupree”

Carl e Molly sono ormai sposati da un anno e si stanno gustando il piacere della vita di coppia. Purtroppo per loro, però,...

“Captain America: Civil War”

Una decisione del governo provoca un conflitto all'interno della squadra di supereroi Marvel, che si dividono in due clan: quello di Tony Stark,...

“Happy Endings” Barefoot Pedaler 111

111 Barefoot Pedaler Determined to prove that they can still do things together, Alex and Dave convince the rest of the gang to go to...

“Arrested Development” Pilot Episode 11

11 Pilot In the series pilot, Michael's expected promotion goes to his mother, moments before his father's arrest, prompting Michael to sever all family ties.,...

“Captain America: Civil War”

Former teammates Iron Man and Captain America clash over a proposal that would make the Avengers accountable to government oversight. Soon, the rest...

“Captain America: The Winter Soldier”

Captain America teams with Black Widow and the Falcon to fight the villainous Winter Soldier. Meanwhile, S.H.I.E.L.D. comes under attack, and a malevolent...

“Welcome to Collinwood”

Low-level crooks plot a heist in this quirky caper comedy co-produced by George Clooney and Steven Soderbergh. In Cleveland, a crew of losers...

“Avengers: Infinity War”

Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Spider Man (Tom Holland), Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and all the other Avengers unite to assemble their power in...

“Avengers: Endgame (With Bonus Content)”

With a number of their teammates vanquished seemingly into thin air, the remaining Avengers must find a way to bring them back for...

“Happy Endings” Blax, Snake, Home 21

21 Blax, Snake, Home Penny buys her first home, an "amah-zing" condo complete with a wine fridge and Italian marble., The second series of the...