Episode : Acqua nel deserto
Water, Water Everywhere
Les, Jaimie e Bump, tre veterani del Vietnam fisicamente inabili in seguito alla guerra, vivono nella città...
Episode : Come soleva dire il mio prozio buonanima
The Big Squeeze
Nathan Vincent, capo di un'organizzazione che presta denaro a interessi altissimi, costringe i...
Episode : Il lavoro mobilita l'uomo
Labor Pains
Sempre ricercati dal Colonnello Decker, l'A-Team trova rifugio in una piccola comunità agricola. I contadini vivono miseramente:...
The Anvil Chorus
A blacksmith-turned-deputy sets the stage for trouble: he demands that all townspeople turn in their weapons. Nils: Joe Higgins. Stagg: Steven...
Labor Pains
The Team helps migrants unionize against a landowner who's forcing them to work under slave-labour conditions., This time the A-Team takes up...
One More Time
Hannibal's perennial nemesis Colonel Lynch (William Lucking) is in a festive mood when he finally succeeds in capturing the A-Team. But...
Playwright Philip Yordan stirred up controversy with his 1944 Broadway production +Anna Lucasta, the sexy saga of a family of avaricious African-Americans. Such...
New Orleans Menace
Akim Tamiroff plays a gambling czar determined to take over Lucas's land. Xavier: Michael Pate. Lucas: Chuck Connors. Mark: Johnny Crawford....