Profiling Sharon Jones, a hugely talented R&B singer who has spent decades chasing her breakthrough. This documentary follows Jones as she battles pancreatic...
Narrated by CBS journalist Ike Pappas, Beyond JFK: The Question of Conspiracy is an investigative historical documentary based on the tragic events of...
Out o' Time
Shirley Bellinger (Kathryn Erbe) gets a holiday reprieve, as lockdown stalls Busmalis's escape plan but hastens Hughes's exit. Meanwhile, Khan suffers...
An examination of military veteran homelessness focuses on veterans fighting to save fellow vets from a life on the streets. Also: the psychological...
New York Yankees
The House of Steinbrenner
Two-time Oscar-winning director Barbara Kopple had unprecedented access to the Steinbrenners to examine the intriguing transfer of power...
The Hemingway family claims one of the most distinguished and complex legacies on the U.S. cultural landscape. Though patriarch Ernest Hemingway established a...