Movies & TvShows By :

Bernard MacMahon

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“American Epic” The Big Bang 11

11 The Big Bang Part 1 of 3. The story of the nascent record industry of the 1920s, when music scouts traveled America in search...

“American Epic”

The story of record company talent scouts who toured America during the late 1920s with a recording machine and captured the raw expression...

Arena: American Epic The Sessions

The Sessions The machine that introduced the sounds of America to its people has been lovingly reassembled and now, in the heart of...

American Epic Out of the Many, the One

Out of the Many, the One Conclusion. How America's diverse cultures contribute to its musical styles: from the Hopi tribe to Hawaii's Joseph...

Arena: American Epic S:1 E:2 | The Sessions

S:1 E:2 The Sessions The machine that introduced the sounds of America to its people has been lovingly reassembled and now, in the heart of...

American Epic S:1 E:2 | Blood + Soil

S:1 E:2 Blood + Soil Part 2 of 3 travels to the rural South, where Elder Burch, Charley Patton and others record early Delta blues,...

American Epic S:1 E:3 | Out of the Many, the One

S:1 E:3 Out of the Many, the One Conclusion. How America's diverse cultures contribute to its musical styles: from the Hopi tribe to Hawaii's Joseph...

American Epic – Juurimusiikin juurilla S:1 E:2 Blood and soil

S:1 E:2 Blood + Soil "Blood and soil." Toisen jakson aiheina Elder J. E. Burchin kirkon kiihkeät gospel-sessiot, hiilikaivostyöläisten levytykset, jotka unohtuivat vuosikymmeniksi, sekä...

American Epic – Juurimusiikin juurilla S:1 E:3 Out of the many, the one

S:1 E:3 Out of the Many, the One "Out of the many, the one " Pitkän päätösjakson aiheena etninen musiikki Havaijilta Lousianaan, päähenkilöinä Mississippi...

American Epic – Juurimusiikin juurilla S:1 E:1 The big bang

S:1 E:1 The Big Bang "The big bang." Kertomus aikakaudesta, jolloin Amerikka ensi kertaa kuuli itsensä. Kolmiosainen musiikkidokumenttisarja käsittelee amerikkalaisen juurimusiikin historiaa ja ensimmäisiä...