Movies & TvShows By :

Brenton Spencer

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“Liberate mio marito”

Il marito di Anne viene rapito: all'inizio i detective credono si tratti di una messinscena e decidono di indagare sulla moglie. Ben presto...

“Gene Roddenberry’s Earth: Final Conflict” Limbo 44

44 After a canister of Taelon core energy is stolen, Zo'or warns Sandoval that if it is not recovered, many humans will die. To...

“Gene Roddenberry’s Earth: Final Conflict” Deep Sleep 513

513 Deep Sleep While visiting Hubble Urick in the hospital, Renee learns that the facility is run by hybrids who are using comatose patients as...

“Sanctuary” Eulogy 23

23 Eulogy With chaos all around them, the Sanctuary team must come to terms with how to rebuild after the Cabal's attacks. Magnus and Druitt...

“21 Jump Street” The Girl Next Door 58

58 The Girl Next Door While investigating the hit-and-run murder of a high-school American football star, McCann becomes involved with a cheerleader who has AIDS.,...

“Cold Squad” Check Mate 414

414 Check Mate Victory seems very close for the Gua. Could an extraterrestrial revelation free Jordan and destroy Mabus?, A group of detectives solves murder...

“Dead Man’s Gun” The Bounty Hunter 17

17 The Bounty Hunter A simple-minded shopkeeper (Gordon Clapp) uses the gun to become a bounty hunter, but he may not be prepared for the...

“Stargate Atlantis” Inquisition 513

513 Inquisition The Atlantis crew are on troubled ground when a newly formed coalition of human worlds puts them on trial for alleged crimes against...

“Higher Ground” Attention Deficit 113

113 A tough father leaves his troubled son at school while he goes bear hunting. Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in...

“Poltergeist: The Legacy” Silent Partner 215

215 A female spirit bent on bringing her killers to justice inhabits a woman's body as a means to help her carry out the...