Movies & TvShows By :

Bruce Bilson

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“Supercar” Giro della morte 15

15 Episode : Giro della morte Slammin' Sammy's Stunt Show Spectacular Da mesi il computer della Fondazione Knight è sulle tracce di Lawrence Blake che rileva...

“Supercar” Senatore d’assalto 16

16 Episode : Senatore d'assalto Just My Bill La senatrice Maggie Flynn, accanita sostenitrice dei diritti del cittadino, si oppone ad un nuovo progetto di speculazione...

“Dinosaurs” How to Pick Up Girls 210

210 How to Pick Up Girls Robbie gets pointers on how to approach girls from a streetwise contemporary named Spike. Voices: Jason Willinger, Stuart Pankin,...

“Dinosaurs” Nuts to War 219

219 Nuts to War The four-legged dinosaurs encroach on the pistachio-nut supply of the "normal" dinosaurs...and that means war. Part 1 of two. Voices: Stuart...

“Knight Rider” Slammin’ Sammy’s Stunt Show Spectacular 15

15 Slammin' Sammy's Stunt Show Spectacular Owners of an auto show are terrorised by a crook who arranges "accidents" so a business will close and...

“The Doris Day Show” Let Them Out of the Nest 115

115 Let Them Out of the Nest Doris lets the boys accept an egg route. But concerned all won't work well, she decides to "help...

“Gidget” We Got Each Other 121

121 Gidget sets out to prove that she isn't jealous of her father's dates. Russ: Don Porter. Meg: Anne Bellamy., Gidget sets out to...

“Touched by an Angel” There but for the Grace of God 110

110 There, but for the Grace of God Monica gets a lesson in humility when she helps a homeless man (Gregory Harrison) and two of...

“The Partridge Family” Forgive Us Our Debts 321

321 Shirley (Shirley Jones) discovers to her horror that her credit rating has been destroyed to a department-store computer error. Young computer whiz Tom...

“The Partridge Family” Whatever Happened to Keith Partridge? 311

311 High hopes for Keith after he's offered a screen test. Keith: David Cassidy. Shirley: Shirley Jones. Laurie: Susan Dey. Reuben: Dave Madden. Danny:...