La piccola Abby, figlia dell'Abominevole Uomo delle Nevi, incurante delle raccomandazioni di suo padre riguardo ai pericoli degli incontri con gli esseri umani,...
Thanksgetting; There's Something About Scary
Sheen introduces Zeenu to a combination of Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas in 'Thanksgetting', and in 'There's Something About Scary',...
The Oomlick Maneuver; Chock Around the Clock
Planet Sheen., Sheen tries to get Princess Oom to reconcile with her former boyfriend; Aseefa's pet gets...
Cutting the Ultra Cord; Trial by Jerry
Sheen's bizarre behavior concerns his new pals, so Dorkus suggests an aggressive form of therapy; Sheen explains...
Blunderings; Dawn of the Wedge
More interplanetary adventures with Sheen and the inhabitants of Zeenu., Sheen brings clown college to Zeenu; villains who give...
Banana Quest
More interplanetary adventures with Sheen and the inhabitants of Zeenu., Sheen and his pals search for a banana, believing it will restore...