Movies & TvShows By :

Chris Leitch

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“CSI: Scena del crimine” Il paracadutista 919

919 Episode : Il paracadutista The Descent of Man Pierre, un esperto paracadutista, ha un grave incidente durante un lancio e finisce in fin di vita...

“CSI: Scena del crimine” Idoli caduti 717

717 Episode : Idoli caduti Fallen Idols Un giocatore di basket e la sua fidanzata sono scomparsi. Fuggiti? Grissom e la squadra indagano, ma l'aver trovato...

“CSI: Scena del crimine” Le stringhe 815

815 Episode : Le stringhe The Theory of Everything Un cerbiatto è stato ucciso illegalmente. La persona trovata con il cadavere all'interno del retro del suo...

“CSI: Crime Scene Investigation” Fallen Idols 717

717 Fallen Idols The CSIs investigate the disappearance of a high-school cheerleader and her basketball player boyfriend. Evidence from a nearby road suggests that one...

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation The Descent of Man 919

9 19 The Descent of Man A double-murder only becomes more mysterious when Catherine spots a link with the case of an injured skydiver., The...

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation The Theory of Everything 815

8 15 The Theory of Everything A deer is illegally killed, and the person found with the body in the back of his truck apparently...

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation S:9 E:19 | The Descent of Man

S:9 E:19 The Descent of Man A double-murder only becomes more mysterious when Catherine spots a link with the case of an injured skydiver., The...

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation S:8 E:15 | The Theory of Everything

S:8 E:15 The Theory of Everything A deer is illegally killed, and the person found with the body in the back of his truck apparently...

Les Experts S:8 E:15 | La théorie de Grissom

S:8 E:15 The Theory of Everything Un homme prend feu dans les locaux de la police de Las Vegas. En essayant de comprendre ce qui...

Les Experts S:9 E:19 | Sur la terre comme au ciel

S:9 E:19 The Descent of Man Un passionné de chute libre est paralysé après un saut pendant lequel son parachute ne s'est pas déployé et...