Movies & TvShows By :

Christopher T. Welch

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“Quantum Leap” Her Charm 215

215 Her Charm Sam leaps into an FBI agent assigned to protect a feisty but fearful woman from the murderous crook she used to work...

“Quantum Leap” Miss Deep South 36

36 Miss Deep South Sam experiences an uncomfortable landing as a beauty contestant en route to the 35th Annual Miss Deep South Pageant. Sexual mores...

“Quantum Leap” Good Night, Dear Heart 217

217 Good Night, Dear Heart Sam leaps into a mortician who becomes obsessed with preserving the memory of a young woman by proving she didn't...

“Quantum Leap” Leaping in Without a Net 219

219 Leaping in Without a Net Time-travelling sci-fi drama series. Sam Beckett arrives in 1958 as a trapeze artist who must prevent his sister from...

Code Quantum S:2 E:15 | Course poursuite

S:2 E:15 Her Charm Sam devient un agent du FBI chargé de protéger une jeune femme qui va bientôt témoigner contre son ancien chef, un...

Code Quantum S:2 E:19 | Un saut sans filet

S:2 E:19 Leaping in Without a Net Novembre 1958. Sam devient Victor Panzini et rejoint la troupe d'un cirque ambulant en tant que trapéziste. Il...

Code Quantum S:2 E:17 | Au revoir mon ange

S:2 E:17 Good Night, Dear Heart Entrepreneur de pompes funèbres, Sam Beckett est confronté à une étrange affaire. Troublé par la mort d'Hilla Danner, une...