Movies & TvShows By :

Claire Winyard

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“Call the Midwife” Season 7, Episode 3 73

73 Season 7, Episode 3 A mother abandons her children at the clinic, leaving the family devastated. When Violet and Fred organise a beauty contest...

“Call the Midwife” Season 7, Episode 2 72

72 Season 7, Episode 2 Lucille faces racism and prejudice when a new mother becomes ill. Sister Winifred is keen to have fathers be more...

“Death in Paradise” Erupting in Murder 61

61 Erupting in Murder When DI Richard Poole is murdered at his university reunion on the island of Saint-Marie, his replacement, DI Humphrey Goodman takes...

Murha paratiisissa S:6 E:3 The Impossible Murder

S:6 E:3 The Impossible Murder Humphreyn ja Marthan romanttinen viikonloppu keskeytyy, kun heidän hotellinsa omistaja murhataan. Humphreyn tiimi saapuu paikalle tutkimaan tapausta, mihin jäljet...

Murha paratiisissa S:6 E:1 Erupting in Murder

S:6 E:1 Erupting in Murder Humphrey ja hänen tiiminsä tutkivat tiedemiehen kuolemaa. Kuolema näyttäää luonnolliselta, mutta Humphrey ei mene lankaan. Pieni yksityiskohta osoittaa, että...

Death In Paradise S:6 E:1 | Erschütterungen

S:6 E:1 Erupting in Murder Der britische Detective Humphrey Goodman und sein Team ermitteln auf der Karibikinsel Saint Marie in einem Todesfall. Ein Vulkanologe kommt...

Meurtres au paradis S:6 E 3 La maison Cécile

S:6 E 3 The Impossible Murder Pour leur dernière semaine ensemble, Humphrey offre un séjour de rêve à Martha à La Maison Cécile, qui se...

Meurtres au paradis S:6 E 1 Sur la pente du volcan

S:6 E 1 Erupting in Murder La mort de Stephen Langham sur les pentes d'un volcan en activité se révèle une affaire difficile. Pour Humphrey...

Delitti in paradiso S:6 E:1 Ai piedi del vulcano

Season 6 Episode 1 Episode : Ai piedi del vulcano Erupting in Murder Stephen Langham, uno scienziato, viene trovato senza vita alle pendici di un vulcano...

Delitti in paradiso S:6 E:3 Il delitto impossibile

Season 6 Episode 3 Episode : Il delitto impossibile The Impossible Murder Humphrey e Martha organizzano un fine settimana all'Hotel Cecile, ma la loro fuga romantica...