Movies & TvShows By :

Daisy von Scherler Mayer

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“L’arte del dubbio” Vecchie ruggini 14

14 Episode : Vecchie ruggini Clean Burn Il signor Weeks viene scagionato dopo 12 anni di ingiusta prigionia. Isaiah e Sturgill si ritrovano per un futile...

“Halt and Catch Fire” La soglia 37

37 Episode : La soglia The Threshold Mentre Joe e Ryan affrontano le conseguenze delle decisioni di Joe, Cameron e Donna discutono sul loro futuro. Intanto,...

“Halt and Catch Fire” Non siete al sicuro 38

38 Episode : Non siete al sicuro You Are Not Safe Donna, Bos e Diane fanno tutto ciò che è in loro possesso per supportare la...

“Halt and Catch Fire” FUD 12

12 FUD After surviving a visit from IBM, Joe's team must overcome internal differences as they begin building the new machine. Q&A : Q: Who are...

“Halt and Catch Fire” Kali 29

29 Kali Left reeling by the launch of a rival, Mutiny takes measures to ensure its survival. Meanwhile, Gordon pays a price in an attempt...

“Twisted” You’re a Good Man, Charlie McBride 117

117 You're a Good Man, Charlie McBride Jo learns more about Danny's past as she bonds with Charlie, and this alarms Danny. Meanwhile, Karen shares...

“Nurse Jackie” F. the Lemurs 310

310 Fuck the Lemurs Jackie lands on probation because of the drugs she swiped from the Oncology Department. Meanwhile, in a case of like mother,...

“Some Girl(s)”

Director Daisy von Scherler Mayer (Party Girl), teams with Neil LaBute to adapt LaBute's play about a soon-to-be-married writer (Adam Brody) who travels...

“Get Shorty” Selenite 23

23 Miles finds himself off the grid at a strange motel. Rick and Amara attend the premiere for "The Admiral's Mistress," while Louis, Ed,...

“Halt and Catch Fire” And She Was 36

36 And She Was Tensions rise over an offer to buy Mutiny; and Donna has a weekend alone, while Gordon and Cam bond over video...