Otherwise Engaged
Rene shocks Edith with news that he plans to wed his childhood sweetheart, who now heads the Resistance; Fairfax and Carstairs (John...
The Policeman Cometh
Rene and the others await the departure of the airmen---but another agent arrives instead. Later, Geering and Rene set out to...
The Exploding Bedpan
Saucy French farce in David Croft's wartime sitcom. Alfonse's dicky ticker plays up when he's being interrogated by the Gestapo., Helga...
The Airmen De-nicked
Hop over the channel for a rendez-vous with Rene and his wartime chums. Using hijacked German uniforms, Michelle of the Resistance...
Gone with the Windmill
Von Strohm and Gruber return to Nouvion from Spain. Rene: Gordon Kaye. Flick: Richard Gibson. Klinkerhoffen: Hilary Minster, Von Strohm...
Wedding Bloss
Rene asks Edith to marry him to prevent Alfonse from getting the cafe---and the gold hidden there. Flick: Richard Gibson. Helga: Kim...
Arousing Suspicions
Rene impersonates a flamenco dancer to help retrieve cylinders needed for Michelle's radio station after they fall into German hands., Rene and...