Movies & TvShows By :

David Guggenheim

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“Designated Survivor” Sting of the Tail 22

22 Sting of the Tail A break in the manhunt for Lloyd precipitates a drastic showdown, forcing Kirkman to weigh the law against an imminent...

“Designated Survivor” The Ninth Seat 117

117 The Ninth Seat Political battle lines are drawn over appointing a new Supreme Court. Wells and Atwood dig deeper into the renegade group in...

“Designated Survivor” Fallout 216

216 Fallout On the heels of a historic peace agreement, a dirty bomb smuggled into the country threatens to ignite a war. Wells confronts a...

“Designated Survivor” Summit 215

215 Summit Emily chases a White House leak that jeopardizes high-stakes peace talks between a rogue nation and its neighbor. A defector begs Wells for...

“Designated Survivor” Target 221

221 Target While both parties jockey for Kirkman's allegiance, an old case puts Kendra in the crosshairs. West investigates Moss, who makes a bold announcement. Q&A...

“Designated Survivor” The Final Frontier 212

212 The Final Frontier Wells races to find the culprit after a hack on NASA imperils astronauts aboard the space station. Kirkman confronts a trusted...

“Designated Survivor” Run 222

222 Run Kirkman fights to stave off a humanitarian disaster while wrestling to decide his political future. Wells races to protect Rennett's daughter. Q&A : Q:...

“Designated Survivor” Capacity 219

219 Capacity With his presidency in turmoil, Kirkman preps for a hearing on his fitness for office. Wells shares her suspicions about the hacker's identity. Q&A...

“Designated Survivor” Bad Reception 220

220 Bad Reception After the murder of a diplomat, Ethan West takes up the cause of a U.S. citizen imprisoned abroad. Kirkman discovers a personal...

“Designated Survivor” Suckers 25

25 Suckers Kirkman faces plummeting public trust in the wake of an incendiary off-the-cuff remark. Wells and Rennett probe the murder of a British politician. Q&A...