Episode : Il suono del silenzio
The Sound of Silence
Un paziente attacca Meredith e Penny la trova gravemente ferita. Tutti i medici tenteranno di...
Adaptation of the award-winning play about a black garbage collector who struggles to take care of his family in 1950s Pittsburgh., Searing adaptation...
(2002) Denzel Washington's directorial debut sees him play naval psychiatrist Dr Jerome Davenport with Antwone Fisher (Derek Luke) his latest patient., The...
(2002) Denzel Washington's directorial debut sees him play naval psychiatrist Dr Jerome Davenport with Antwone Fisher (Derek Luke) his latest patient., The...
Pittsburgh, années 50. Troy Maxson est un éboueur afro-américain frustré d'avoir été considéré comme trop vieux pour devenir joueur de baseball professionnel...