Movies & TvShows By :

Derek Kwok

Profession : Actor

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“Immortal Demon Slayer”

Being the fourth part in the Monkey King collaboration Wu Kong tells the story of how it all began. Eddie Peng is considered...

As the Light Goes Out

这是近年来最不平安的平安夜,一宗小火灾竟引致发电厂爆炸,让东方之珠瞬间陷入一片黑暗!各种意外、事故接踵而来,背负救火与救人使命的消防员,要如何应对这场无情大灾难,同时保住自己和同僚的生命? When a liquor warehouse fire threatens to plunge the whole of Hong Kong into darkness upon reaching a nearby power plant,...

As the Light Goes Out

这是近年来最不平安的平安夜,一宗小火灾竟引致发电厂爆炸,让东方之珠瞬间陷入一片黑暗!各种意外、事故接踵而来,背负救火与救人使命的消防员,要如何应对这场无情大灾难,同时保住自己和同僚的生命? When a liquor warehouse fire threatens to plunge the whole of Hong Kong into darkness upon reaching a nearby power plant,...
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