Short Fuse
Il protagonista della fortunata serie televisiva è il Tenente Colombo, abile e acuto investigatore che con finti atteggiamenti maldestri e un look...
Jon and Ponch watch amazed as an angry man demolishes his car. Getraer: Robert Pine. Brenda: Catherine Ferrar. Mrs. Karantz: Fawne Harriman., Jon...
The Halls of Terror
A hospital is terrorized by a strangler. Telly Savalas, Kevin Dobson. Dr. Page: Zohra Lampert. Dr. Fine: Michael Lerner. Ralph...
The Adventure of the Hard Hearted Huckster
Ellery investigates the murder of a ruthless advertising exec., Ellery investigates the murder of a ruthless advertising...
Sudden Death
Jessica inherits a controlling interest in a professional football team, one of whose major owners is murdered. Zak Farrell: Bruce Jenner....
S:2 E:7
The Most Dangerous Match
Un ancien champion d'échecs projette d'assassiner son principal adversaire par crainte de perdre son titre., Un champion d'échec, Emmet...