Movies & TvShows By :

Enzo G. Castellari

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“1990: The Bronx Warriors”

One of many post-apocalyptic science-fiction films which poured out of Europe in the wake of George Miller's Mad Max, this film stars Stefania...

“The Big Racket”

A by-the-books cop struggling to bust a brutal protection racket in Rome is forced to throw the rules out the window when the...

“Warriors of the Wasteland”

Adventure about warring cultists in a 21st-century post-nuclear world. Fred Williamson, Timothy Brent (Giancarlo Prete), George Eastman (Luigi Montefiori), Thomas Moore (Enzo G....

Street Law

In this film, Carlo gets in the way of a group of crooks who are trying to rob a bank, and they...

La Via Della Droga

An undercover cop deeply entrenched in a lucrative international drug syndicate (Fabio Testi) and a trigger-happy Interpol agent (David Hemmings) attempt to...

Simbad, el rey de los mares

1990 Fantasy,Action/Adventure El legendario marinero (Lou Ferrigno) emprende un viaje en búsqueda de gemas mágicas. Lou Ferrigno,John Steiner,Leo Gullotta,Teagan Clive,Roland Wybenga,Ted Rusoff,Yehuda Efroni,Alessandra Martines,Romano Puppo,Cork Hubbert,Enzo G....

Street Law

In this film, Carlo gets in the way of a group of crooks who are trying to rob a bank, and they...

La mort au large

Les premières images montrent un jeune homme faisant de la voile. Soudain, il disparaît. On comprend alors qu'il s'agit de l'attaque d'un...

Tuez-les tous et revenez seul

Pendant la guerre de Sécession, le capitaine Lynch, chargé du contre espionnage sudiste, confie à Clyde la mission de récupérer l'or nordiste...

L’ultimo squalo

Uno squalo gigante terrorizza una piccola cittadina sulla costa occidentale degli Stati Uniti. Dopo che i concorrenti di una regata di windsurf...