Movies & TvShows By :

Garth Jennings

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“Son of Rambow”

A young boy rebels against his family's ultra-conservative religion by helping his school's bad boy create a home- made action movie. Touching comedy.,...


A koala impresario stages a grand singing competition for the world's animals in order to save his elegant theatre., When a koala...


A koala impresario stages a grand singing competition for the world's animals in order to save his elegant theatre., When a koala...

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

Adaptation of the cult sci-fi adventures by Douglas Adams follows an alien and an earthling on a cosmic joyride through space., Trippy...

Son Of Rambow (Dutch)

Will en Lee willen filmgeschiedenis schrijven en gewapend met een videocamera en een illegale kopie van ˜Rambo: First Blood™, gaan zij aan...

Syng (Danish)

Koalabjørnen Buster Moon iscenesætter en stor sangkonkurrence for verdens dyr for at redde sit elegante teater i denne finurlige animerede musical. Fra...

Автостопом по галактике

Психоделическая экранизация культового научно-фантастического романа о захватывающем космическом путешествии инопланетянина и землянина.


Tyylikäs koalaherra, Buster, johtaa suurella sydämellä rapistunutta teatteria, jonka parhaat päivät ovat jo takana. Ylioptimistinen Buster ei kuitenkaan suostu luovuttamaan, vaan...


Koalabär Bunny Moon sucht nach einer Rettung seines Theaters. Der Einfall: eine Castingshow! Weil seine Sekretärin auf dem Flugblatt zwei Nullen zu...