Movies & TvShows By :

Gillian Anderson

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“Hannibal” E la bestia venuta dal mare 311

311 Episode : E la bestia venuta dal mare ...And the Beast From the Sea Hannibal suggerisce a Dolarhyde di sterminare la famiglia di Will e...

“Hannibal” Digestivo 37

37 Episode : Digestivo Digestivo Poco prima dell'arresto, Hannibal e Will vengono portati via dai poliziotti corrotti da Mason Verger e riportati negli Stati Uniti. Jack...

“Hannibal” L’ira dell’agnello 313

313 Episode : L'ira dell'agnello The Wrath of the Lamb Dolarhyde inscena il suo suicidio per evitare che il Drago uccida Reba. Ma dalle analisi la...

“Hannibal” Digestivo 37

37 Digestivo Following their capture in Italy by mercenaries, Will Graham and Hannibal Lecter are delivered to Muskrat Farm, where Mason Verger prepares to inflict...

“Hannibal” The Wrath of the Lamb 313

313 The Wrath of the Lamb In the Season 3 finale, Will hatches a cunning plot to slay Francis Dolarhyde, using Hannibal Lecter in his...

“Hannibal” …And the Beast From the Sea 311

311 ...And the Beast From the Sea The Red Dragon threatens to strike very close to those who are hunting him., The Red Dragon threatens...

The X-Files All Things 717

7 17 All Things Series regular Gillian Anderson made her X-Files writing and directing debut with the April 9, 2000, episode "all things." Not surprisingly,...

The X-Files S:7 E:17 | All Things

S:7 E:17 All Things Series regular Gillian Anderson made her X-Files writing and directing debut with the April 9, 2000, episode "all things." Not surprisingly,...

Hannibal S:3 E:11 | …And the Beast From the Sea

S:3 E:11 ...And the Beast From the Sea The Red Dragon threatens to strike very close to those who are hunting him., The Red Dragon...

The X-Files S:7 E 17 Existences

S:7 E 17 All Things Scully remet en question sa carrière après avoir rencontré un ancien professeur., Deux agents du FBI sont chargés d'enquêter sur...