Episode : Chiamalo dormire
Chiamalo dormire
Samurai vuole applicare tolleranza zero, ma Livia e Aureliano rifiutano. Spadino finalmente si assume le sue responsabilità di capofamiglia...
Episode : Ultimo cliente
Ultimo cliente
Quando Sara cerca di far scoppiare uno scandalo al Vaticano, Samurai entra in azione. Intanto Manfredi invade il territorio...
Just Decisions
Valerie investigates Aleksandre and Ruth Iosava, and the probe reaches a critical point with a German-American sting operation. Also: Developments turn from...
The Righteous One
Hector is wanted by German authorities for the assassination of Katerina Gerhardt, but Berlin Station begins to discover there is more...
Winners Right the History Books
A search for the truth behind Katerina Gerhardt's assassination and Nick Fischer's role in it. Meanwhile, a protest occurs...