Episode : La reazione al fidanzamento
The Engagement Reaction
Howard finalmente dice a sua madre che sposerà Bernadette, e la notizia la fa finire in...
Episode : La rivelazione della rinite
The Rhinitis Revelation
La madre di Sheldon arriva in visita in città, ma Sheldon è sorpreso e dispiaciuto che...
No Money Down
Russell and Grace (Brett Butler) attend a real-estate seminar advertised on TV. Jackie Lee: Dennis Dun. Mary: Peg Shirley. Henry: Richard...
Mother and Son and Father Reunion
Grace locates Matthew's biological father (Barry Bostwick), but the man doesn't want to meet Matthew (Tom Everett Scott)....
Valentine's Day
Grace invites Ryan over for dinner, and Quentin isn't pleased. Grace: Brett Butler. Russell: Dave Thomas. Faith: Valri Bromfield. Wade: Casey Sander....
The Good Mother
Grace allows Quentin to live with Jimmy for a bit. Meanwhile, her short story gets published. Jimmy: Geoff Pierson. Barry Leeds:...
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The Engagement Reaction
Mrs. Wolowitz ends up in the hospital after Howard tells her he's marrying Bernadette. While there, Leonard stresses over Penny...