Movies & TvShows By :

Huw Cordey

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“Pianeta terra” Giungle

Giungle Una serie epica, dedicata alla celebrazione della terra come mai fatta prima. Lo sguardo finale sulle diversità che caratterizzano il nostro pianeta, un...

“The Hunt” The Making of the Hunt 18

18 The Making of the Hunt A behind-the-scenes look at the creation of the series., A behind-the-scenes look at the challenges faced in creating the...

“Dancing with the Birds”

From ruffling their majestic feathers to nailing im-peck-able courtship routines, birds in paradise flaunt their best moves in hopes of landing a mate. Q&A...

Auf Leben und Tod – Sternstunden der Medizin | Die große Jagd

Die große Jagd Der ewige Wettstreit zwischen Jäger und Gejagten bietet seit jeher die dramatischsten Szenen in der Natur; für beide geht es...

Prédateurs L’aventure

The Making of the Hunt Pendant trois années, l'équipe de tournage a traqué les plus célèbres prédateurs du monde animal., Documentaire coproduit par...