Movies & TvShows By :

James Chressanthis

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“Ghost Whisperer” Il patto del Diavolo 57

57 Episode : Il patto del Diavolo Devil's Bargain Dopo avere perso una giovane paziente, Jim si convince che il suo fantasma lo stia perseguitando. Q&A :...

“Ghost Whisperer” Al luna park 118

118 Episode : Al luna park Miss Fortune Quando un circo itinerante arriva in città, Melinda incontra il fantasma di un mago, che accusa suo fratello...

“Ghost Whisperer” Il segreto della culla 216

216 Episode : Il segreto della culla The Cradle Will Rock La protagonista è Melinda Gordon che ha il potere di parlare con gli spiriti dei...

“Ghost Whisperer” Il pozzo dei desideri 49

49 Episode : Il pozzo dei desideri Pieces of You Melinda scopre il segreto di una ragazzina scomparsa da dodici anni e il cui fantasma sembra...

“Ghost Whisperer” Miss Fortune 118

118 Miss Fortune An angry spirit at a carnival is bent on revenge against those he feels caused his death. Melinda suspects there is more...

“No Subtitles Necessary: Laszlo & Vilmos”

This fascinating documentary chronicles the lives and decades-long friendship of renowned Hungarian-born cinematographers Laszlo Kovacs ("Easy Rider," "Paper Moon") and Vilmos Zsigmond ("Close...

“Ghost Whisperer” Devil’s Bargain 57

57 Devil's Bargain Jim thinks that one of his colleagues could be involved in a med student's disappearance; and Melinda worries when Aiden mentions that...

“Ghost Whisperer” Pieces of You 49

49 Pieces of You Melinda uncovers a dark secret while searching for a girl who has been missing for over 12 years…, Melinda discovers the...

“Ghost Whisperer” The Cradle Will Rock 216

216 The Cradle Will Rock After an armed robbery, Melinda must help the ghost of a troubled jewellery store worker., A jewelry-store employee dies shortly...

Mélinda, entre deux mondes S:4 E:9 | Le dernier voeu

S:4 E:9 Pieces of You Melinda dévoile le terrible secret de la disparition inexpliquée d'une fillette, douze ans auparavant. Pendant ce temps, Jim/Sam tente toujours...