Episode : Il patto del Diavolo
Devil's Bargain
Dopo avere perso una giovane paziente, Jim si convince che il suo fantasma lo stia perseguitando.
Q&A :...
Episode : Al luna park
Miss Fortune
Quando un circo itinerante arriva in città, Melinda incontra il fantasma di un mago, che accusa suo fratello...
This fascinating documentary chronicles the lives and decades-long friendship of renowned Hungarian-born cinematographers Laszlo Kovacs ("Easy Rider," "Paper Moon") and Vilmos Zsigmond ("Close...
Devil's Bargain
Jim thinks that one of his colleagues could be involved in a med student's disappearance; and Melinda worries when Aiden mentions that...
The Cradle Will Rock
After an armed robbery, Melinda must help the ghost of a troubled jewellery store worker., A jewelry-store employee dies shortly...
S:4 E:9
Pieces of You
Melinda dévoile le terrible secret de la disparition inexpliquée d'une fillette, douze ans auparavant. Pendant ce temps, Jim/Sam tente toujours...