Episode : Taglio all'orientale
Asian Cut
Celebre telefilm poliziesco in cui hanno recitato gli attori Don Johnson (James "Sonny" Crockett) e Philip Michael Thomas (Ricardo...
Skin and Bones
The one-hour series Roswell combines the strangeness of science fiction with the drama of high-school romance. In this episode, Michael is...
Soft Light
All that remains of the bodies of three murder victims is an unidentifiable residue. This bizarre occurrence is what brings Mulder and...
Parting Gifts
Wesley (Alexis Denisof, Buffy The Vampire Slayer) joins Angel and Cordelia as he pursues a demon that mutilates creatures possessing supernatural powers....
Bewitched, Bothered And Bewildered
Xander turns to a witch for help after Cordelia dumps him but the spell backfires turning him into a babe-magnet!...
The Kingdom of Money
Torello (Dennis Farina) asks a debtor being strong-armed to help him link slot-machine skimming and loan sharking in the casinos...