Movies & TvShows By :

James Sheldon

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

Dukes of Hazzard Vance’s Lady 57

5 7 Vance's Lady Vance (Christopher Mayer) experiences the proverbial "flash from the past" when his former girl friend Jenny (Beth Schaffel) shows up in...

M*A*S*H B.J. Papa San 716

7 16 B. J. Papa San Father Mulcahy writes to his sister, a nun, for advice and comfort in the days just before Christmas. He...

Dukes of Hazzard S:5 E:7 | Vance’s Lady

S:5 E:7 Vance's Lady Vance (Christopher Mayer) experiences the proverbial "flash from the past" when his former girl friend Jenny (Beth Schaffel) shows up in...

Dukes of Hazzard S:4 E:26 | The Law and Jesse Duke

S:4 E:26 The Law and Jesse Duke When they are denied a raise and overtime pay, Sheriff Roscoe (James Best) and Deputy Cletus (Rick Hurst)...

The Twilight Zone S:2 E:16 | A Penny for Your Thoughts

S:2 E:16 A Penny for your thoughts A bank clerk (Dick York) finds that he's able to hear other people's thoughts, which leads to trouble....

The Twilight Zone S:3 E:35 | I Sing the Body Electric

S:3 E:35 I Sing The Body Electric Ray Bradbury penned this tale of a widower who buys a robot (Josephine Hutchinson) to care for his...

The Twilight Zone S:3 E:11 | Still Valley

S:3 E:11 A Confederate scout (Gary Merrill) searching for Yankee soldiers finds them---frozen like statues. Old Man: Vaughn Taylor. Dauger: Ben Cooper. Lieutenant: Mark...

That Girl S:2 E:15 | Twas the Night Before Christmas, You’re Under Arrest

S:2 E:15 Ann and Don's good deed lands them in jail on Christmas Eve. Ann: Marlo Thomas. Don: Ted Bessell. Fitzgerald: Jay C. Flippen....

Hazzard S:4 E:26 Polizia in sciopero

Season 4 Episode 26 Episode : Polizia in sciopero The Law and Jesse Duke Rosco e Cletus decidono di scioperare per ottenere un aumento di stipendio....

Twilight Zone – Unwahrscheinliche Geschichten Das stille Tal

Virginia im Jahre 1863. Der Späher Paradine gelangt in ein Dorf, in dem die feindlichen Soldaten aus dem Norden vereist sind. Ein alter Mann...