Movies & TvShows By :

James W. Horne

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“Allegri scozzesi”

Stanlio e Ollio vanno in Scozia per raccogliere l'eredità di un lontano zio, ma il lascito consiste in un paio di inservibili cimeli,...

“Stanlio e Ollio” Non c’è niente da ridere

Laughing Gravy Stanlio e Ollio cercano di nascondere il loro cagnolino al padrone di casa, che preferisce che non ci siano animali in casa...,...

“Laurel and Hardy” Come Clean

"Come Clean." (1931) Stan and Ollie try to rescue a drowning damsel., This Laurel and Hardy two-reeler contains a similar premise to Chickens...

“The Bohemian Girl”

Comics Laurel and Hardy play gypsies looking after a young orphan who later turns out to be a kidnapped princess in this comical...

“Laurel and Hardy” Any Old Port

"Any Old Port." (1932) Stan and Ollie aid a maiden in distress., In this film, Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy have just returned...


Silent Buster Keaton vehicle about a bookworm trying to become an athlete. Girl: Anne Cornwall. Her Friend: Flora Bramley. Rival: Harold Goodwin. His...

“All Over Town”

Tomfoolery about vaudevillians trying to open a show and discovering a murder. Suspect number one is the duo's own singing seal Sally and...

Laurel and Hardy Be Big

Be Big While this isn't one of Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy's best shorts, its premise is very similar to one of their...

Bonnie Scotland

Comic mayhem ensues when Stan and Olllie join a Scottish military regiment stationed in the desert., Stanley MacLaurel (Stan Laurel), the American...

Stanlio e Ollio Allegri vagabondi

Stanlio e Ollio, sperduti nel selvaggio West, devono consegnare a una ragazza l'atto di proprietà di una miniera d'oro ma il proprietario...