Movies & TvShows By :

Jan Troell

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“The Emigrants”

Director/writer Jan Troell's expansive saga deals with the Larsen family, who during the 19th century famine in Sweden emigrate to the more fertile...

“The Last Sentence”

A prolific Swedish journalist embarks on a one-man crusade against Nazism during World War II, condemning his country's conciliatory attitude toward Adolf Hitler...

“Everlasting Moments”

In early 20th-century Sweden, working-class housewife Maria Larsson finds an escape from her abusive husband through her newfound gift for photography., Drama based...

“The New Land”

This sequel to "The Emigrants" follows Swedish pioneers in the Minnesota wilderness., This adaptation of the novels of Vilhelm Moberg and sequel to...

“Zandy’s Bride”

Frontier drama in which an ill-tempered pioneer rancher sends for a mail-order bride who turns out to be rather more of a handful...

“Haer Har Du Ditt Liv”

In this sensitive Swedish drama, a young man's rites-of-passage are chronicled as he grows from callow youth to responsible adult. Included are scenes...


Toinen osa mestarillista filmatisointia Vilhelm Mobergin klassikosta, joka kertoo 1800-luvun puolivälissä Amerikkaan muuttaneista ruotsalaisista.


Raivaajat jatkaa siitä, mihin Maastamuuttajat (1971) jäi. Se kuvaa ruotsalaisen siirtolaisperheen elämää 1800-luvulla Minnesotan metsissä., Klassinen draama Karl-Oskarista ja Kristinasta, jotka...